Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Organized Sale?

Don't ask me why, but an organized home sale is getting me really excited. 
Shopping for beautiful storage and containers is my kind of eye candy. 

Here are my favorites.....all on sale!

I just love the handle on these storage boxes. I think they would be great up high in a closet.

These long rectangular totes are perfect for my laundry room. I may also use one as a summer sandal & flip flop holder to fit inside a small closet. 

My teen is in desperate need of this shower organizer. Her lotions and potions are all over the place. 

Not to mention this waterproof device. Yes, she has tunes in the shower! Luckily, I don't mind her music.

I think these project containers will be great for organizing my things before we move. 

But this may be my favorite part of the sale....OFFICE ORGANIZATION. I need this the most. I know it is not exciting, but I think the gray boxes will be perfect to hide all my uglies in the office. 

Storage Boxes/ Rectangular Tote/ Shower Caddy/ Craft Storage/ Office Storage

I'm excited, this sale is just the push I need to get going. Back to school is right around the corner and I want to be organized. Do you have a system that works for your stuff? Do share.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway
Have a great weekend....I'll miss you.

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Organize Your Garden Stuff....Part Two

Yesterday, I told you how Lowe's challenged me (and sponsored me) to organize something. You may remember that I cleaned my tools before I organized them. If you are wondering how I decided to tidy up the inside of my is a clue.
This might be a good time to tell you that the disorganization is what lead to my bypass pruners obsession....but aren't they clean?

Now you need to see how I got here...It all started like this.
This is not staged....wait, it gets better
You know it would look so much cleaner if we didn't keep those golf clubs....just sayin.

On the other side, you ask
Do bikes and crutches go together?

Here is the best part, until this challenge...I didn't think it was that bad, well....compared to my garage.

Starting with this wall, I added two studs
A friend of mine used to say that the stud finder would go off every time he walked by it.

A trip to Lowe's for some pegboard cut to size (thank you Lowe's man who obsesses over measurements more than I).
Install the pegboard
Go ahead....add some trim around's a girl's shed! 
Recognize the trim? You know how I like to use door casing.

Next, I added these full length shelves
Now this side looks like this
Can you see the bucket of oily sand

What about the other side? I'm so glad you asked. Using this system...I hung the bikes and the golf clubs.
Yes, that would be a 10-speed bike. It's vintage, and so is the man who doesn't rides it.

Other tools
I fell in love, that sounds a bit weird...with these hooks

As you can see, I have room for more tools...yeah.
Let's review....I went from this

To this

Now let's play a game....what is this?
For more great ideas, check out the updated Lowe's Creative Ideas page.
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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Clean and Organize Garden Stuff

I don't know about you, but I can definitely feel the difference in the morning air. Yes, we have some warm days left...but Fall is coming. This month, my Lowe's Garden Challenge is:

Address the Mess - Pick an area that could use a creative approach to organization or storage for your gardening tools and accessories. 

How fantastic is that? Lowe's is sponsoring me to organize something! You may remember that last month, I showed you how to improve the look of your garden shed

Well....I can assure you that the inside is in desperate need of organization. However, before I show it to you...I would like to share a great tip with you. 

How to clean your garden tools before you store them away for the winter.

This is super easy and a great way to prolong the life of your garden tools. All you need is three things;
1. A large bucket with a lid. I used a 5 gallon one.
2. Enough sand to fill the bucket. I used play sand.
3. A cleaning lubricant like Murphy's Oil Soap.

First, fill the bucket with sand

Next, add the oil soap to the sand...I used the whole bottle. You don't need to mix it...the shovel will do that.
Now find your favorite shovel that you may have left out in the rain one too many times. Yes, it is dirty, rusty, and sad....but wait! 
Plunge the shovel (or any tool) up and down into the oily sand
This is what it looks like after a few stabs into the sand. The oil and sand do all the work.

 Yes, I switched shovels on you...thanks for noticing. I forgot to take a before picture of this shovel. 
Now here are my two besties

They could use a bit more cleaning...but the season is not over yet, and I have big plans for them before I put them away for the winter. 

Here is my favorite part....cover the oily sand mixture until next time...or next year!

Want to see how I organized the inside of my shed? Me too...come back tomorrow for part two.

Part two is here
Since the kids are heading back to school, hop on over the the Lowe's Creative Ideas site for some great Fall projects. Do you have any lined up?

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Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

She's Taking Over My Blog...Guest Post

I have a guest...
Hi everyone! I'm Alexa - Linda's sweet, loving, amazing, gorgeous, hilarious, fabulous daughter!! My mom has been super busy with her bedroom and I hope you guys are busy with your rooms too! I'm excited to see how her bedroom turns out.  I had no idea what to do for my guest blogging. Should I do shopping tips? Makeup organizing? Perfect books? But it came to me as I was cleaning up my old schoolwork- how to organize your school desk! 

In my post- I'm going to help you avoid this ^ disaster in the upcoming school year. I cannot count the amount of times my desk looked like this. Well, that is, until I got my organizing down pat.
*sorry- not sure why its blurry*

Before you start organizing your kid's school desk- prepping for the next school year- make sure the location is great! That ^^^ is my room. I have my school desk there so I can work in a quiet spot without my family annoying disrupting me. On top of my desk- I keep a hole puncher, paper, tape dispenser thingy, and other few large essentials. But in the desk drawer is where the magic happens!
There's the inside of my desk & let me tell you how to get it organized like that. In my opinion- everybody needs highlighters, pens (multiple colors), pencils, erasers, white out, post-its, and a stapler. It's all up to you for what you want to put in but that's my recommendation.

Here's the thing - 
I always need white out- writing a final essay, doing homework, and all things related to school are done in PEN! Pen is not erasable!!! You're kids work will be so much neater without those scribbles by using white-out. My mom always complains about buying it because it can be 3 dollars but it's worth it! ... This sounded like an ad but it's not :)

Anyways- I kid you not, these organizers saved me when it came to organizing my essentials.

These are Container Store drawer organizers. All you do is measure your drawer, choose the size you want, and boom- you have yourself an organizer. It gets a bit tricky though- deciding what to have and where. You need to have separate in school materials and at home materials. Otherwise, your kids are going to come home complaining how they left their one good pen at home and that's why they did bad on their test... or maybe that's only me?


I put pencils, rulers, and paper binder/clips in one section. Then next- pens, staples, and eraser refills. If you clicked my link above (or if you're lazy here it is) you will see that there is a sliding feature that goes on top of this. I keep highlighters and markers in that. It's removable so if you don't want it- no problem.

That's all for me! Enjoy your weekend everyone! ( I hope you can now notice how obsessed my family is with dogs) Maybe I'll be back another time but until then- keep calm & blog on!

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