Organize Your Garden Stuff....Part Two

Yesterday, I told you how Lowe's challenged me (and sponsored me) to organize something. You may remember that I cleaned my tools before I organized them. If you are wondering how I decided to tidy up the inside of my is a clue.
This might be a good time to tell you that the disorganization is what lead to my bypass pruners obsession....but aren't they clean?

Now you need to see how I got here...It all started like this.
This is not staged....wait, it gets better
You know it would look so much cleaner if we didn't keep those golf clubs....just sayin.

On the other side, you ask
Do bikes and crutches go together?

Here is the best part, until this challenge...I didn't think it was that bad, well....compared to my garage.

Starting with this wall, I added two studs
A friend of mine used to say that the stud finder would go off every time he walked by it.

A trip to Lowe's for some pegboard cut to size (thank you Lowe's man who obsesses over measurements more than I).
Install the pegboard
Go ahead....add some trim around's a girl's shed! 
Recognize the trim? You know how I like to use door casing.

Next, I added these full length shelves
Now this side looks like this
Can you see the bucket of oily sand

What about the other side? I'm so glad you asked. Using this system...I hung the bikes and the golf clubs.
Yes, that would be a 10-speed bike. It's vintage, and so is the man who doesn't rides it.

Other tools
I fell in love, that sounds a bit weird...with these hooks

As you can see, I have room for more tools...yeah.
Let's review....I went from this

To this

Now let's play a game....what is this?
For more great ideas, check out the updated Lowe's Creative Ideas page.

Back to School...My Favorite!


Clean and Organize Garden Stuff