Etsy Elephants

Is there an elephant in your room? I must admit, I am finding myself intrigued by them. I can't decide exactly how to execute it. Here are some of the ones I am thinking about

A colorful bold print, like the one in my powder room

TPP Etsy

A white elephant (I can find out how cleaver my friends are)

TPP Etsy

On the floor, I am usually not a "pair of the same" type

Etsy Source

A pill box, just sitting on a table

Etsy Source

A stool

Etsy Source
On a shelf

Etsy Source

Another pill box

Etsy Source

A vintage looking print
Etsy Source

This will take a while to decide, but I do love them. I think every room should have a bit of the unexpected whimsy. Do you have an animal of any kind in your room? I would love to know!


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