One Room Challenge Media Partnership

I am so happy to be here. As you can see, my new site is up...and hopefully in your email. I'd say, email me if you did not get it, but we know that would provide little results. 

My long absence has been filled with One Room Challenge™ work and other opportunities that I can't wait to share. And now......

The One Room Challenge™ is thrilled to announce its first ever Media Partner for the upcoming 10th season : House Beautiful! Partnering with this iconic and spectacular magazine, site and brand is a thrilling opportunity. their refined aesthetic is classic while also modern and fresh. They will be live-blogging, pinning and Gramming their favorite rooms, trends and details throughout the challenge. In addition to marking all of our content with #oneroomchallenge we will also be tagging @housebeautiful. Follow their coverage here and here and over here.

I hope you will be joining in or following along!

My new site is still under is most of my life. Thank you for following my work in progress. Happy weekend!


One Room Challenge™ Guest Participation


Hello? Happy New Year?