Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

Mirror Makeover

Did everyone remember to change their clocks on Saturday? This is my favorite time of year, and I only miss the hour for one day. It really should be considered a holiday, if you ask me. It's the official end to hibernation at my house. 

This weekend I finished my mirror makeover. I really wanted a simple arched gold framed mirror for my One Room Challenge entry ever since I saw Pam's post on them. Since I had a specific size to work with, I turned to Craigslist. Do you remember my $15 CL mirror? Here is the transformation.

The credit for this process goes to Kristin @ The HUNTED Interior. She discovered this faux brass treatment when she experimented on this light fixture. 

The Hunted Interior
Here is my step-by-step

Fill and sand major dents

Cover glass with newspaper

Wipe on rub n buff

After the rub n buff has dried, spray paint gold over it.

Up close, the finish really does look like brass. The dings in the wood frame look like vintage dented brass. 

I was so happy with the look, I did my plastic doorbell cover, too.

Hopefully, I will have the table makeover to show you tomorrow. How did you spend your weekend? More fun than a DIY?

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