Linda {Calling it Home} Linda {Calling it Home}

She's Taking Over My Blog...Guest Post

I have a guest...
Hi everyone! I'm Alexa - Linda's sweet, loving, amazing, gorgeous, hilarious, fabulous daughter!! My mom has been super busy with her bedroom and I hope you guys are busy with your rooms too! I'm excited to see how her bedroom turns out.  I had no idea what to do for my guest blogging. Should I do shopping tips? Makeup organizing? Perfect books? But it came to me as I was cleaning up my old schoolwork- how to organize your school desk! 

In my post- I'm going to help you avoid this ^ disaster in the upcoming school year. I cannot count the amount of times my desk looked like this. Well, that is, until I got my organizing down pat.
*sorry- not sure why its blurry*

Before you start organizing your kid's school desk- prepping for the next school year- make sure the location is great! That ^^^ is my room. I have my school desk there so I can work in a quiet spot without my family annoying disrupting me. On top of my desk- I keep a hole puncher, paper, tape dispenser thingy, and other few large essentials. But in the desk drawer is where the magic happens!
There's the inside of my desk & let me tell you how to get it organized like that. In my opinion- everybody needs highlighters, pens (multiple colors), pencils, erasers, white out, post-its, and a stapler. It's all up to you for what you want to put in but that's my recommendation.

Here's the thing - 
I always need white out- writing a final essay, doing homework, and all things related to school are done in PEN! Pen is not erasable!!! You're kids work will be so much neater without those scribbles by using white-out. My mom always complains about buying it because it can be 3 dollars but it's worth it! ... This sounded like an ad but it's not :)

Anyways- I kid you not, these organizers saved me when it came to organizing my essentials.

These are Container Store drawer organizers. All you do is measure your drawer, choose the size you want, and boom- you have yourself an organizer. It gets a bit tricky though- deciding what to have and where. You need to have separate in school materials and at home materials. Otherwise, your kids are going to come home complaining how they left their one good pen at home and that's why they did bad on their test... or maybe that's only me?


I put pencils, rulers, and paper binder/clips in one section. Then next- pens, staples, and eraser refills. If you clicked my link above (or if you're lazy here it is) you will see that there is a sliding feature that goes on top of this. I keep highlighters and markers in that. It's removable so if you don't want it- no problem.

That's all for me! Enjoy your weekend everyone! ( I hope you can now notice how obsessed my family is with dogs) Maybe I'll be back another time but until then- keep calm & blog on!

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