The Monday After ORC

I wanted to thank all of you for your kind comments from the One Room Challenge. It is truly a labor of love in every way. I don't like to talk about many of the things I do behind the scenes to help make this a success, but I will share with you that it takes my undivided attention for the entire six weeks, and while I'm working on the current ORC I am also constantly thinking about the next one. That is why I only post a couple of times a week during the ORC. 

The One Room Challenge is also a Registered Trademark. I will do a more in depth post on that hopefully soon. What you should know is that the only way you can protect your idea legally, is to Trademark it. If you read Blog Inc., then you already know that you should be trademarking your blog title. Good ideas are stolen all the time on the internet and Trademarking is not cheap. Only you can decide for yourself if you want to make that financial investment. 

Now I would love to hear from you. Do you use the ORC for resources and ideas? Have you ever implemented any of the design ideas shared by all of the former participants in your own home? Is there anything in particular that you would like to read about? You can leave a comment or email me directly. 

Finally, I have received quite a few emails from readers saying that you no longer receive my blog via email. Sherry also mentioned this in a recent post of hers. It seems as though it is a problem larger than all of us,  it's all Google's fault and I will try to get someone to assist me with this. 

And now I'm off to check out more of the 77 Linking Participants. So much talent gathered in one place. 


Hello? & Real Estate Stalking


One Room Challenge Linking Event, Round 2...Week 6