Photoshop Fun and a Vote

I decided to learn Photoshop before the second half of my life begins. I have always wanted to expand my graphics by removing backgrounds, layering images, and adding text. I am on day four of my 30 day free trial with Elements 12 and I think I like it.

I must say, it is not intuitive at all. In fact, I had a telephone conversation with my favorite graphic designer for some advice. For my first collage, I thought it would be best to stick with one color scheme, in this case turquoise. 

DB Bag / Turquoise Ring / Bracelet / Kate Spade Readers

Obviously, I am on the verge of enormous graphic design success... Or at least I won't embarrass myself with my tinkering.

And speaking of graphic design success, The Pink Pagoda has been nominated for the Design Bloggers Hall of Fame Award.

I can't think of a more deserving person or blog for this category. 

In honor of her nomination, and the fact that it is Award Season, I made this photo collage.

Yes, I know....she is so lucky I was not nominated. I'm sure it will be a tight race between us next year ;-).

Do you know how to use Photoshop? Any tips?

 photo instagram-4_zps387f45e3.png

One Room Challenge Now


Orchid Exposition