Blog Page Updates

I finally got around to updating my blog pages. I'll be honest with you, I tried to find some child labor (that lives in this house) to do it for me. I thought the pay scale was great.....the first offer was an iTunes gift card. Then I raised it to clothes I don't approve of. Finally, I was even willing to go as high as unnecessary makeup!

She was intrigued, and gave it the usual fifteen to twenty minute try....and usual...something better came along.

I cannot tell a took all day to figure this out. I watched this video and stumbled along....two or three emails to the support department....more stumbaling... and viola! 

If you click on my DIY page

You will see my new favorite quote along with lots of projects.

My Featured page was not difficult, just time consuming. 

If you click on that link, you will see this

Speaking of featured, this one makes me laugh. This is a Russian blog that featured my coastal clock tutorial. I had no idea they did this, I just kept seeing all these weird referrals from a link that was not in English.

DIY Clock in Russian
Another technical update that I could not figure out was authenticating my Pinterest account. Have you seen that? Pinterest wants you to verify your web address. Well, after five or six failed attempts, I noticed that Elizabeth's Pinterest account was verified. So I emailed her and she helped me. Thanks Girl!

***Update - This is the video I used to verify my Pinterest account***

Do you have any blog improvement tips that you have found helpful?


Shopping at Sequin


What If Money Was No Object?