Pink & Orange in the Garden....My Lowe's Challenge

Happy Monday! It was a busy weekend around here. About a week ago, I received my first Lowe's Garden Challenge in the mail. I did have advanced notice, via e-mail, about the topic....."Furniture Fun".

The Lowe's sponsored mission: To enhance your outdoor space with a new creative piece or even refurbish something you already have into something truly eye--catching.

Seriously? This is a no-brainer for me....remember when I told you about my tired adirondack chairs? Here they are

Wait, you need to see all the dirt close up

Yup, these babies have been piled up in the corner of my yard for the, maybe 9 years?

This is good for the "refurbish" part of the challenge....but I want to create something new..TOO! A quick trip (ok, maybe several trips later) to Lowe's, and I came home with these:

2 small plant stands with (2) 11.5" ceramic saucer.

4 Deck mounted metal Tiki Torches

And 2 bamboo Tiki Torches

Armed with my color palette and a mask....I began to create new pieces

First up, the saucer.....I primed and painted the bottom white

This was my second attempt, so the sides are pink....but this is the correct order. Using peel and stick letters, press your initials into the center of the dish, spray with pink paint, and remove letters

Spraying to plant stand green, and you have a monogram cocktail table. This would be perfect for a garden wedding.

Next, the deck mounted Tiki Torches....I don't have a deck. Using a hack saw, I cut off the bottom cleats and removed the metal caps along with the oil canister

A coat of spray paint....and you have a beverage holder for your yard

Lastly, just a simple coat of white paint for the bamboo Tiki know how I love white in the garden

Put it all together....and this is how it looks

I hope this gives you a few ideas on ways to have "Furniture Fun" in your garden. For even more ideas, be sure to check out Lowe's Creative Ideas....or go here to subscribe. Next time, there will be a chance for you to win a Lowe's Gift Card!


How Do You Do?


I'm Out Early